Exploring Windows 10 Main Features

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Windows 7 has been the workhorse operating system for over a billion users since it was first released in 2009. Winning critical acclaim from businesses and individuals alike, Windows 7 combined functionality, aesthetics, ease of use and security features into one core package loved worldwide. Sadly Windows 7 has reached End of Life (EOL) as of the 14th January 2020 and while this does not mean your operating system will just stop working, what it does mean is that it will no longer be supported by Microsoft – No updates, no patches, no security fixes, and no tech support. What this means for you is that if you continue to use an operating system that is no longer supported you run the risk of security breaches in your home or business as hackers can now find any remaining exploits in the OS and potentially gain access to your system. These exploits will now remain open indefinitely as Microsoft will no longer fix them. It is estimated that around 200 million users worldwide have not yet made the upgrade to the latest operating system – Windows 10. Making the switch to Windows 10 and taking advantage of all the Windows 10 main features in your business has never been easier. At Connected Platforms we offer small business IT support Brisbane wide that will make the transition process from Windows 7 to Windows 10 streamlined and hassle-free. Get in touch with us today to see how our managed IT services can change the way you do business.

Windows 10 Main Features – What’s Different?

Users migrating from Windows 7 will actually find the transition much more palatably than when Windows 8 was released. There are key similarities when looking at Windows 7 vs Windows 10 that increase overall functionality but at the same time don’t have a steep new learning curve.

Windows 10 is the current flagship product of Microsoft and encompasses all of the technological advancements and feedback from Windows 7 and 8. In some regards Windows 10 is the product of combining both 7 and 8. So what exactly is different? Let’s take a look at some of the key features as well as Windows 10 productivity features.  

Windows 10 Productivity Features

New Start Menu – One of the biggest complaints of Windows 8 was the disappearance of the Window’s Start Menu. The place where we all found Pinball and Minesweeper as kids. Windows 10 has brought back the Start Menu. When comparing the Start Menu from Windows 7 vs 10, Windows 10 has brought over the Live Apps functionality from Windows 8. So, there are now two menus side by side. Live Apps show you the most recently used work apps and make accessing your apps as easy as a click of a button. Users who find this unnecessary are able to disable Live Apps to gain access to a Start Menu akin to Windows 7. 

Cortana Integration – Digital assistants are everywhere, Siri, Alexa and now Cortana. Cortana is Microsoft’s answer to your digital assistant. Natively integrated into Windows 10, you can now interact with your device without lifting a finger. Whether you want to find a specific file on your hard drive or launch a particular app for that next conference call, the functionality of a Windows device has never been better.

Virtual Desktops – When exploring Windows 10 Main features, any feature that promises to increase your productivity is worthy of note. A virtual desktop is the interface in which you interact with to perform tasks on your computer. Traditionally if you only had one screen you would only have one desktop. Comparing Windows 7 vs Windows 10, Windows 7 did have some virtual desktop functionality, but it was beyond the reach of the average user and required a little technical know-how to get working properly. Windows 10 has made virtual desktops easily accessible and fully integrated. Creating multiple desktops is as simple as pressing the Windows Key + Tab and switching between these desktops is a matter of Ctrl + Windows Key + Left or Right Arrow. Virtual desktops give you the ability to group app types and multitask without multiple monitors easily and effectively. Have your financial spreadsheets open in one virtual desktop, and in another teleconferencing software for your interstate clients.

Snap to organise – Users with large monitors or multi-monitors will find just how useful the new snap feature is. Snap lets you ‘snap’ any window to any half or quadrant of the screen and the app will simply arrange the window on the screen effortlessly. Coupled with a host of keyboard shortcuts such as Windows Key + Left to snap a window to the left, snapping will change the way you use Windows. Spreadsheets in one quadrant, the latest in industry news streaming in another. Being productive in your workplace has never been easier. Snap to organise has quickly become one of the best Windows 10 productivity features for end users.

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft’s flagship Internet Explorer has been replaced by Microsoft Edge. Utilising a new rendering engine called EdgeHTML and integrating with Cortana Assistant to provide voice control, personalisation and ease of search to users; Microsoft Edge is the most substantial change to a Windows operating system and is the first major rebrand of the browser since 1995. Packed with a host of features that improve design, functionality, performance, and compatibility – End users will quickly find the many benefits of Microsoft Edge over Internet Explorer.

Universal Apps

Universal Apps is another big change from Windows 7 vs 10. In an effort to make the transition between devices more seamless. This new category of software will use the same code but will be able to adapt their interface to a variety of different devices from smartphones, tablets to your PC. With all content stored on Microsoft’s cloud service OneDrive, using your apps across devices has just become that much more seamless.

Is your business looking to make the switch from Windows 7 to Windows 10? Do you need advice on the differences between Windows 7 vs 10? Get in touch with us today to see how upgrading your operating system and exploring windows 10 main features will improve the workflow and productivity in your office environment.

Contact us today for a free tech consultation or to find out more about our IT solutions and how they can help businesses like yours. Call (07) 3062 6932 or book a coffee meeting online.

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