L1 North Tower, 527 Gregory Terrace

Fortitude Valley,

QLD 4006

Acceptable Use Policy

This Acceptable Usage Policy must be read in the context of Connected Platforms Trading Terms and Product Terms – Internet Connectivity, which can be found on Connected Platforms website, currently at the locations https://connectedplatforms.com.au/legal/ and https://connectedplatforms.com.au/terms-internet-connectivity/

Please read this policy carefully before using Internet Connectivity Products or connectivity paths provided by Connected Platforms.

References to ‘you’ in this policy are references to the Customer or to the operator, or to either or both of them, as the context requires.

1. Purpose

This Acceptable Usage Policy sets out the rules which apply to the use of Connected Platforms Internet Connectivity Products. It is a condition of Connected Platforms Product Terms – Internet Connectivity that all users comply with this policy.

2. Application

This policy applies to the Customer and to all operators who access the Internet Connectivity Products or connectivity paths provided by Connected Platforms.

3. Responsible usage

The Customer is responsible for any use or misuse of Internet Connectivity Products or connectivity paths. This includes use by all employees, contractors or any other person who has access to the Customer’s Internet Connectivity Products or connectivity paths. Customer’s access may be suspended or terminated if the Customer is in breach of the terms of this Acceptable Use Policy (including as a result of actions by employees, contractors or any other person who has access to the Customer’s Internet Connectivity Products or connectivity paths).

4. Unacceptable usage

The Customer agrees not to use or attempt to use Connected Platforms Internet Connectivity Products or connectivity paths in any way which:

  • Breaches the law;
  • Is fraudulent or distributes misleading or deceptive material;
  • Infringes on any person’s intellectual property rights, including copyright;
  • Includes material that could be deemed offensive, abusive, indecent, pornographic, illegal or confidential;
  • Harasses, defames or abuses anyone or violates their privacy;
  • Distributes material that could be classified as spam, unsolicited or unwanted electronic messages;
  • Accesses, downloads or distributes any viruses or other harmful programs or material;
  • Gains improper access to another person’s private or personal information;
  • Obtains or attempts to obtain unauthorised access to any computer, system or network;
  • Monitors data or traffic on any computer, network or system if you do not have authorisation to do so;
  • Compromises security or interferes with the operation of an Internet Connectivity Product or connectivity path or of any other computer, system or network;
  • Uses excessive resources or puts unreasonable strain on an Internet Connectivity Product or connectivity path; or
  • Does anything that may interfere with other users accessing, using or enjoying an Internet Connectivity Product or connectivity path.


5. Non compliance

If you are in breach of this Acceptable Usage Policy, then Connected Platforms reserves the right to Terminate this Agreement. Connected Platforms is not liable for any loss experienced while your service is suspended or terminated. This includes any claims you might make as a result of the service being suspended or terminated.

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