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How to get the most from your managed IT provider

How to get the most of your managed IT provider banner - person working on two computers

Updated Monday, 23 September 2019

You might have heard of managed IT services as something that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are getting on board with. Big business is on board with managed service as well, and it seems as though businesses are adopting this service as it makes managing their business easier. Continue reading to learn how to get the most out of your managed IT provider.

With all this talk, we thought it would be helpful to look at exactly what managed IT services are, and then explain how you can get the most from this service within your business.

What is managed IT?

Put simply, managed IT allows you to hand over the operation of your IT systems to an external service provider. This service provider is responsible for the smooth and consistent operation of your business’ IT and offers its service as a monthly, scalable solution to the hassle of IT.

Is managed IT for me?

For many businesses, they simply do not have the size or resources necessary to require managed IT by an external company. These organisations are usually small, and simple, with only a couple of staff and a couple of computers.

Nothing complex, certainly. Managed IT is for you if you are at the stage with your business where you need someone else to manage, monitor, and resolve IT issues with your systems and network.

By handing over the service, you get peace of mind and the security of knowing that your systems are not going down – which in turn gives your clients peace of mind.

Why are managed It services important?

The business world is increasingly competitive and requires proactivity in order to compete in the market. The task of managing large IT resources and keeping up with ever-increasing complex demands is not a simple task for small businesses.

Most small businesses are utterly dependant on their IT systems, and it is imperative for you to keep this up to date and functioning without interruption.

A managed service provider offers you much more than just managed services; you will benefit from regular updates to security and ongoing software updates:

    • You can choose what level of support your business needs based on your requirements, and scale this up or down depending on business


    • You can save money by not relying on a potentially expensive break-fix model (where an IT system breaks and you call someone out ad-hoc to fix it, often costing hundreds of dollars) and options for a monthly subscription instead


  • Enjoy regular security updates to your systems and software

How to make managed IT work for you

So now we have covered some of the reasons why managed IT is important, we’re going to look at some ways you can get the most from your managed IT service provider.

    1. Think about what you need – are you in the market for specific maintenance, or do you merely need general service?
    2. Look at what your managed service provider offers – are they low cost and low value? It’s often better to choose a mid-range provider for peace of mind
    3. Are you in it for the long haul? It is valuable to you to build a relationship with your managed service provider so that they can play a role in your business’ growth moving forward


  1. Consider IT disaster recovery and systems backups as well as managed services – because a good managed service provider can offer you these options in addition to IT management.
  2. Consider the investment in managed IT as something which has the capacity to give you more free time while saving money on break-fix!

We are excited to be able to offer managed IT services to your business – so please call us to find out more about how this can work for you. Reach us on (07) 3062 6932 today.

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